Building Resilience To Manage Change Tackle Challenges

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Building Resilience To Manage Change Tackle Challenges

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People with High Resilience…

  • Take care of themselves mentally, emotionally and physically.
  • Are able to move on when circumstances are not in their favor.
  • Are focused on the end in mind and are open to possibilities along the way.
  • Are hopeful and optimistic in people and outcomes.
  • Are problem solvers and push to get answers.
  • Have high self-esteem and are self-confident.
  • Take responsibility and action, hence are clearly in control of most situations.
  • Have high levels of gratitude and hence obtain persistent serendipitous moments.

Learning Outcomes

  • Learn Al Siebert’s 5 levels of building resilience. Be measured on a few scales to understand your level of resilience and quality of life and health.
  • Learn how resilience can help you be more flexible and adaptable to change.
  • Learn how to reflect and understand the very patterns that cause you success or repeated difficulties and learn new productive behaviors every single time.
  • Learn how your Mind, emotions, body and behavior communicate with you every day.
  • Learn 3 kinds of Problem Solving methods and how to apply them immediately.
  • Understand the endurance graph and stress graph so that are clear about how daily stresses are driving us into un-resourceful states and how to bring it back into balance.
  • Understand the value of purpose and how to make it a key feature of living with the end in mind.
  • Understand methods to cope with stress through a variety of techniques.
  • Acquire a mindset to positively respond to the pressures and demands of working life and identify opportunities to thrive.
  • Specific actions to take forward to build and maintain their personal resilience and learning outside of the session.
  • Learn how building resilience puts you in a space for serendipity… “mindset of accident bouts of good luck”.
  • Learn skills and techniques to encourage long term behaviour and attitude change towards developing resilience.
  • Instill the habit of changing a behavior through the introduction of 1 small conscious change for 21 days to install a new resource.
